If you’re thinking of getting vintage car insurance for your classic car, make sure that you get exactly what you need from your insurance policy before signing the contract. Unlike in a standard auto insurance where you don't have a hand in the assessment of your car, you can participate in the appraisal of your vintage car. This is one of the biggest differences between a standard and a vintage car insurance policy.
A standard auto insurance company uses actual value assessment for your vehicle. In this kind of assessment, your car is appraised based on the make, model and year your vehicle is manufactured. The older your car is, the lower will be the assessment for the price of your vehicle. Also, the appraised value will depreciate in time.
In a specialty car insurance policy, the company will use an agreed valuation where you and the classic insurance agency will come to an agreed amount for your vintage car. The value may include the modifications you've done to your car. The agreed amount will not depreciate. You can be sure to get the full amount if and when you need it.
Classic Auto Insurance offers a fair insurance policy for vintage car owners like you. Get your quote from us today.
About the Author
Drew Yagodnik is Vice President of Classic Automobile Insurance Agency, Inc. Classic Automobile Insurance Agency has been protecting collector, classic and exotics since 1992.